Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wild for Wallpaper

When some people think about wallpaper it brings to mind a stuffy, outdated, floral print.  This isn't your grandmother's wallpaper anymore though.  Wallpaper has come back into fashion in a big way.  It is a great addition to any room that you want to make a statement in.

Wallpaper dates back to before the 1700s.  It was originally designed to mimic the large tapestries that the wealthy would hang on their walls for decoration and insulation.  Those with less money turned to hanging large sheets of paper that were painted with designs to brighten up their rooms.

Hand Painted Chinese Wallpaper c. 1780

Here is a recent project from Donna DuFresne Design.  This bathroom needed an update and wallpaper was a great option to add a bold new look.  You can see how simply adding wallpaper instead of repainting gave the space quite a dramatic change.



Here are some examples of current wallpaper options that we love.

Have you used wallpaper recently in a project?  Please share your experience with us!

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