Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Moving On Up

Moving is something everyone has to do and most don't enjoy.  Here are some tips from an interior design perspective that can help make getting into the new space more of a pleasure than a pain.  We at Donna DuFresne Design, along with Bernadette Breu Experience, just found out that we will be moving come February 2014.  This is a daunting and exciting task, so we figured we would share some insight into the process.  Make sure to keep connected to find out where the move takes us!

Scout Out Your New Space

Make sure that the area that your are moving to is a good one for all of the right reasons.  Is there access to all of the places you will frequent the most?  Or from a business perspective, will your clientele be able to frequent your space?  This can be a very frustrating time because finding the right space in the right place isn't easy.  Once you find the perfect spot look it over it thoroughly.  This is a great time to make a list of ideas, problems, needs, etc.  Request a floor plan, or if you're able to, sketch one yourself.  This is also actually a perfect chance to get your interior designer involved or hire one to help.  They can assist you with finding solutions to problems that you might not have thought of.  An interior designer can suggest which things to keep and what new things may possibly work in the space.  It's nice to get them involved early so the road ahead can be mapped out more easily.

Go Through Things & Decide What To Keep

Either with the help of your interior designer or on your own, try to brainstorm possibilities of where current things will go.  If you can, make space plans so that you can have an idea of where things will be placed as they are being moved in.  It makes the move much less work and way less stressful.  If there are possessions that you can't part with, but may not work in the new space, make arrangements for where they will be kept.  Having items in the way that aren't being used makes moving much more difficult.  This is a great time to get rid of things that aren't necessary; purging unused things can feel really good.

Decide If There Are Improvements/Changes To Be Made

If you haven't already contacted an interior designer this is where it really counts.  It's harder to make improvements or changes once everything is in place.  An interior designer can come up with solutions for remodeling and/or make suggestions for additions, like paint, wallpaper, flooring, fixtures etc.  Find some inspiration images of spaces that really speak to you.  Think about ways that these inspirations can be worked into the new place and try to utilize pieces you already own.  Refinishing or recovering existing pieces can help them fit into the new design.

Moving In

Please don't force things to fit where they don't belong.  Usually, this just ends up as a disappointment and necessitates being reworked later.  Also, don't be afraid to leave spaces unfinished until you can do it in the right way.  Take time in the space and don't rush finding new things all at once, it's tempting, but slow down and think about it.  Going shopping with an interior designer can really help you find creative solutions!


Once some time has passed look back at how the whole process turned out and think about what went right and wrong.  Are there things that could have been done better to keep stress levels down?  Since most people will have to move more than once it's good to be able to have a better game plan for next time.  Move smarter and not harder!  (P.S. Some of these tips can also be useful if you're remodeling the space you already have.)

We would love to hear any tips or tricks that you have found especially helpful while moving.  Please share!

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